Notes on Bikepacking
Recreation is abundant in the proposed Mimbres Peaks National Monument. The areas see a lot of OHV users, hikers, hunters, and recently, bikepackers. “If folks haven’t bikepacked before: similar […]
Monuments an asset for hunting
This was originally published in-print-only on the Deming Headlight. Dear editor, As the first hints of autumn come to the New Mexico landscape, dove hunting season is underway. This annual […]
What a Mimbres Monument Would Mean for Hunting
Experienced New Mexico sportsmen say federal action to extend national monument designations to protect special landscapes preserves our state’s hunting and fishing heritage. San Miguel County Commissioner Max Trujillo has […]
Proposed national monument would be economic boon for area
Russell Hernandez and Renee Frank A recent opinion piece in this paper argued that the economic benefits of the proposed Mimbres Peaks National Monument need a full airing in the light of […]
Monumento Nacional de Mimbres Peaks: Bueno para el condado de Luna
✓ Aumenta el turismo y el número de empleos Un monumento nacional atraería a nuevos visitantes y residentes que gastarían millones de dólares anualmente, apoyarían a empresas locales y crearían […]
Facts About National Monuments
Our public lands are home to places that have shaped our history. They are an integral part of our diverse cultures and way of life, providing critical habitat for wildlife, […]
Projected Economic Impacts: Mimbres Peaks National Monument
Topline Findings from 2023 Report Produced by BBC Research & Consulting This independently conducted report explores the economic effects of designating public lands within Luna County in the Florida Mountains, […]
Ranching Would Be Protected in New Monument
Monument Coalition Supports Preserving Ranching, as was Done in Recent Doña Ana County and Taos County National Monuments As the community discussion begins about the proposal to establish a new national […]